
Prefixes are one or more expression items that precede some other expression item, and are added to the list in property Prefixes in interface UniversalExpressionParser.ExpressionItems.IComplexExpressionItem for the expression item that follows the list of prefix expression items.


Prefixes are supported only if the value of property SupportsPrefixes in interface UniversalExpressionParser.IExpressionLanguageProvider is true.

Currently Universal Expression Parser supports two types of prefixes:

1) Nameless brace as prefixes

Square or round braces expressions items without names (i.e. expression items that are parsed to UniversalExpressionParser.ExpressionItems.IBracesExpressionItem with property NamedExpressionItem equal to null) that precede another expression item (e.g., another braces expression, a literal, a code block, text expression item, numeric value expression item, etc) are parsed as prefixes and are added to expression item they precede.

  • In the example below the braces expression items parsed from “[NotNull, ItemNotNull]” and “(Attribute(“MarkedFunction”))” will be added as prefixes to expression item parsed from “F1(x, x2)”.

1[NotNull, ItemNotNull](Attribute("MarkedFunction")) F1(x, x2)
3    // This code block will be added to expression item parsed from F1(x:T1, y:T2, z: T3) as a postfix.
4    retuens [x1, x2, x3];

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2) Custom expressions as prefixes

If custom expression items of type UniversalExpressionParser.ExpressionItems.Custom.ICustomExpressionItem with property CustomExpressionItemCategory equal to UniversalExpressionParser.ExpressionItems.Custom.CustomExpressionItemCategory.Prefix are added as prefixes to expression item they precede.


List of prefixes can include both nameless brace expression items as well as custom expression items, placed in any order.

  • In the example below, the expression items “::types[T1,T2]” and “::types[T3]” are parsed to custom expression items of type UniversalExpressionParser.DemoExpressionLanguageProviders.CustomExpressions.IGenericTypeDataExpressionItem, and are added as prefixes to braces expression item parsed from “F1(x:T1, y:T2, z: T3)”.


For more details on custom expression items see section Custom Expression Item Parsers.

1::types[T1,T2] ::types[T3] F1(x:T1, y:T2, z: T3)
3    // This code block will be added to expression item parsed from F1(x:T1, y:T2, z: T3) as a postfix.

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The list of prefixes can include both types of prefixes at the same time (i.e., braces and custom expression items).

  • Here is an example of prefixes used to model c# like attributes for classes and methods:

 1// [TestFixture] and [Attribute("IntegrationTest")] are added as prefixes to literal MyTests.
 4// public and class are added as keywords to MyTests
 5public class MyTests
 7    // Brace expression items [SetupMyTests], [Attribute("This is a demo of multiple prefixes")]
 8    // and custom expression item starting with ::metadata and ending with } are added as prefixes to
 9    // expression SetupMyTests()
10    [TestSetup]
11    [Attribute("This is a demo of multiple prefixes")]
12    ::metadata {
13        Description: "Demo of custom expression item parsed to
14                        UniversalExpressionParser.DemoExpressionLanguageProviders.CustomExpressions.IMetadataCustomExpressionItem
15                        used in prefixes list of expression parsed from 'SetupMyTests()'";
16        SomeMetadata: 1
17    }
18    // public and static are added as keywords to expression SetupMyTests().
19    public static SetupMyTests() : void
20    {
21        // Do some test setup here
22    }

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The list of prefixes can include both types of prefixes at the same time (i.e., braces and custom expression items).

  • Below is an example of using prefixes with different expression item types:

 1// Prefixes added to a literal "x".
 2[NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] x;
 4// Prefixes added to named round braces. [NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] will be added
 5// to prefixes in braces expression item parsed from "f1(x1)"
 6[NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] f1(x1);
 8// Prefixes added to unnamed round braces. [NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] will be added
 9// to prefixes in braces expression item parsed from "(x1)"
10[NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] (x1);
12// Prefixes added to named square braces. [NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] will be added
13// to prefixes in named braces expression item parsed from "m1[x1]"
14[NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] m1[x1];
16// Prefixes added to unnamed square braces. [NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] will be added
17// to prefixes in braces expression item parsed from "[x1]".
18[NotNull] [Attribute("Marker")] [x1];
20// Prefixes added to code block.
21// Custom prefix expression item "::types[T1,T2]" will be added to list of prefixes in code block expression item
22// parsed from "{var i = 12;}".
23// Note, if we replace "::types[T1,T2]" to unnamed braces, then the unnamed braces will be used as a postfix for
24// code block.
25::types[T1,T2] {var i = 12;};
27// Prefixes added to custom expression item parsed from "::pragma x".
28// [Attribute("Marker")] will be added to list of prefixes in custom expression item
29// parsed from "::pragma x".
30[Attribute("Marker")] ::pragma x;
32// Prefixes added text expression item.
33// [Attribute("Marker")] will be added to list of prefixes in text expression item
34// parsed from "Some text".
35[Attribute("Marker")] "Some text";
37// Prefixes added to numeric value item.
38// [Attribute("Marker")] will be added to list of prefixes in numeric value expression item
39// parsed from "0.5e-3.4".
40[Attribute("Marker")] 0.5e-3.4;

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